Video Resources
Teaching and coaching are challenging feats right now. Many dojos have had to adjust to a hybrid-remote model, some are juggling a combination of in-person and virtual blended instruction, and others just beginning to have students return to a learning environment that’s completely different from what they’re used to. Because of all of these moving parts, we wanted to make sure you’re aware of the videos made available to all sensei’s and coaches on the USJF website. Our hope is that these videos serve as useful learning tools for your practice.

Coach Video Resources
Teaching and coaching are challenging feats right now. Many schools have had to adjust to a fully-remote model, some are juggling a combination of in-person and virtual blended instruction, and others just beginning to have students return to a learning environment that’s completely different from what they’re used to. Because of all of these moving parts, we wanted to make sure you’re aware of the free videos made available to all educators on the ICG website. Our hope is that these videos serve as useful learning tools for your practice

Teaching Video Resources
In any sport, the key to learning new skills is repetition. These videos from USJF gives the Sensei/Teacher great drills in which to give a positive experience to the judoka while practicing from the Uchikomi repetition needed to learn and acquire new skills.
From basic skills such as ukemi (break fall) to zempo kaiten (forward roll), to more beginning tachiwaza – newaza skills sets, to the more intermediate/advance skills of uchikomi, nagekomi, sutekeiko and randori. This wide-range of instructional engagement activities is sure to add to any sensei/teacher practice session.

Webinar Video Resources
Our recorded Live Webinar is exactly what it sounds like! We rebroadcast our live webinar. Join us and have all the benefits of a live webinar.
Webinars—a combination of the words “web” and “seminar”—are live video conferences that are held and attended on the web. In a webinar, the host or speaker is connected to a variety of viewers regardless of location, whether they’re located across town or on the other side of the country.